Joe Grundy,
I've been thinking quite a bit about this issue. That is, I've been contemplating just how important and impactful to the world the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society and its attendant Jehovah's Witness faith is. Your first post takes the position that it is a minor cult and of little size and concern. But I'd like you to just consider the numbers, just by themselves. (The legal ramfications of Jehovah's Witnesses are not considered... things like religious freedom issues fought in courts, etc.)
I am putting these thoughts into the prologue of my new book, "Escape from Paradise". Here is an excerpt from it for your consideration:
"At the time of this writing, Jehovah's Witnesses claim over 7 million active followers as tallied during the only holiday they observe: their annual "Memorial of Christ's Death". That means that with over 7 billion people on Earth, Jehovah's Witnesses average 1 out of every 1,000 of the population. This average includes China, India, Indonesia, the Middle East, and other populous, yet Bible adverse, parts of the world. If you take into account those associated with the religion (the total in attendance at that "Memorial"), like inactive members, non-Witness spouses, and those newly interested, the number becomes an incredible 1 out of every 400 people on the planet that the Watch Tower organization has influence on!
The impact of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society becomes even more remarkable when you consider the number of ex-Jehovah's Witnesses there are. Nobody is certain as to how many that actually numbers to... millions? Tens of millions? Well, it's for these unnumbered and unnamed that I write. While I will not presume to speak for these people, I do want to tell my story in honor of them, because many can't or won't speak for themselves. I believe that in most cases, my story will be their story, and it's not a pretty one either."
Brock Talon